Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eric Rienstra: Ratsy Alumni

Where's the wind?

Eric Rienstra, former Ratsy house alumni in Waiheu goes rogue. I love to see one of the old kite beach boys in training for the SSS. Flying a blimp, bouncing around on a trampoline, rolling down a sand hill, hardcore intense training. I really like the grainy out of focus shots from a Go-pro. I will find Eric's email so we know where to send the donations for the skateboarding ticket. Happy 420 Eric!

Report: So, some guy in Hood River said it was going to be 17 today. Hey bro, it wasn't 17 today...try 35+. Tomorrow, looking like it's going to be in the mid to high 20's in the morning. My mango tree is shaking so look for some strong wind.


Tom Briggs said...

I like this vid... get whatever practice you can figure out. I need to do that.

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.