Sunday, April 24, 2011

Miracle Lip

Hey, Hey, Hey

Everyone wants to do the big trick. A couple of days ago Chuck tried to hammer out Shawn Richman's Miracle Whip...Hand-dragger with back roll transition with an additional back flip. Chuck looked like he had this one wired but came up short. He got a board in the lip and three stitches. I love in commercials when they say, " Don't try this at home." Well, Chuck tried and actually rode out of a few...but this one got him in the lip. The general rule is you have to do the trick 90 times before it is natural. Only 86 more to go...Aloha and good luck

Next Maui Mini Movie coming soon..The boys from Naish came to town...Naish em' up Derby

1 comment:

Tom said...

Wouldn't have happened if he had his boots bolted on